WARNING: Parasites could be HARMING YOU! (plus the 5 FOODS to kill them naturally)

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Are parasites affecting your health or that of your family?

There are over 800 million people worldwide that are infected with these parasites today, many without any knowledge of them! Unfortunately while these parasites are a major factor in bad health and poor quality of life, the good news is you don't have to suffer from them as they are easy to keep under control and even eliminate from your body completely using common herbs that are normally found in your own yard or garden. 

The following video will help break down the science in simple to understand terms and gives great advice for healthy natural living by showing how easy it is to kill these parasitic infections and keep them out of our bodies.  

What You'll Learn:

  • The most effective herbs for parasite cleansing
  • Signs you might have parasites (and why they're more common than you think)
  • How to use common garden herbs for optimal results
  • Natural protocols for parasite elimination
  • The connection between parasites and chronic health issues

 Featured Herbs Include:

  • Aloe Vera - Nature's digestive healer
  • Dandelion - Powerful liver support
  • Black Walnut - Traditional parasite cleanser
  • Milk Thistle - Liver protection
  • Clove - Breaking parasite lifecycles
  • and more.....

I highly recommend that you implement some of these protocols on a regular quarterly or semi-annual basis for long term good health. We also understand that once the body is in a weakened state that it is more susceptible to infection and chronic diseases like cancer to take hold and multiply. Eliminating these unwanted parasites will lead to increased energy levels as well as improved overall health.

The Kure-it Bible Healing Oils are also beneficial for eliminating most common parasites if taken orally as well as parasites like scabies, ringworm and even ticks! 

Listen to Barbara!

Video: Natural health expert Barbara O'Niell talks about the importance of killing these parasites:

We highly recommend that you implement some anti-parasite protocols including your Kure-it healing oil on a regular quarterly or semi-annual basis for long term good health.

Of course nothing can take the place of a good education, so if you want to know more about this and how to live a healthy life we would recommend some courses at Energetic Health Institute with Dr. H. and his great team! 

Save $ with code: KUREIT

A great place to start would be with a FREE course:


Blessings to you and your family!

Prof. Gordon Pennington

Disclaimer: This is for educational use only and in no way construed as medical advice for any particular disease or symptom. Please consult your natural health care provider for more information relative to your health care regiment. 


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  • Thank you Dr. Barbara O’Neil, Dr. Pennington, and Dr. Hulda Clark.

    Excellent teachings on killing parasites in our brain, and bodies. The bugzapper.com is a great tool Dr. Clark designed in 1995.

    Hal Cook on

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