Kure It Daily Post!

Flash Gordon and the Good Samaritan oil

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Flash Gordon and the Good Samaritan oil

Flash Gordon & the Oil of the Good Samaritan. Episode 1 Early in the spring of 2016, after discovering and making the healing oil (in spring 2015), I was actively looking for people to heal by using the oil. So one of the persons I healed with the Good Samaritan oil was a young man named Ryan who was suffering from second degree sunburns, both he and his 2 friends. (Picture of Ryan with his Dogs in Indiana.) He was about 30 years of age and was down from Indiana for a few days and had been at the beach...

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Can you hear me now? How to heal a torn eardrum, by Kevin.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Can you hear me now? How to heal a torn eardrum, by Kevin.
"when I heard Carrie Madej talk about these healing oils and I got this feeling that it was going to be ok,  just get those oils in your hands.   When I got the 4x and 8x oils,  I started to apply them to the INSIDE OF THE EAR,"

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New! Missions of healing page.

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

New! Missions of healing page.

Welcome to the Good Samaritan Mission! We know most have no idea what kind of missions we do, or how we share the oils, and we don't self promote, although we feel responsible to let you know where your support is going, and how we use our resources, and so we have put together this page, and will be sharing these stories on our blog with those who desire to see them.  We will show the missions we have been on over the past years, and how effective the oils are at helping minister to people. This page is just an overview...

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Elixir of Life: Benefits of Kure it Rx Biblical Healing Oil

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Elixir of Life: Benefits of Kure it Rx Biblical Healing Oil
In the realm of natural remedies, there exists a miraculous elixir known as Kure it, a Biblical Healing Oil. Made from Frankincense and Myrrh resin infusion.

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Ageless Agility: Defying Joint Pain with Nature's Remedy

Posted by Gordon Pennington on

Ageless Agility: Defying Joint Pain with Nature's Remedy

Picture this: a vibrant individual, gracefully moving through life, unrestricted by joint pain. Imagine the freedom to pursue your passions without the nagging discomfort that can accompany each step or movement. Joint pain relief can be a formidable obstacle, hindering our agility and dampening our spirits. However, there is a natural solution that has been cherished since ancient times—the healing oil from the Bible.    Pain Relief Oil For centuries, mankind has sought relief from joint pain, and in their search, they discovered the remarkable properties of Biblical Healing Oil. This sacred elixir called ointment is mentioned in ancient scriptures and holds the...

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Rainbow Health Company