Healing for the AGES update! The Good Samaritan Oil Debut!
Posted by Gordon Pennington on
Flash Gordon & Healing for the AGES mission update!
These last 2 months have been an incredible Good Samaritan Oil mission of healing, deliverance and sharing across the USA!
In the ever expanding “Adventures of Flash Gordon” we recently completed a 2 months long mission trip starting from our home base in Rockledge, Florida, through Texas to the Healing for the AGES conference, up to Florence, Oregon (where I was raised as a child) and where the October 2023 eclipse started, then back down to Bandera, TX for the Freedom Doctors Alliance on Nov 8th -9th at the Flying L Ranch, and finally arriving back in Florida on Nov 14th 2023.
Roni Pennington (the anointing angel) at Healing for the AGES 2023
Mission #1 Flash Gordon @ Healing for the AGES
Our first mission was as a Good Samaritan Oil sponsor of the Healing for the A.G.E.S. conference in Dallas, Texas on September 8th & 9th. This amazing event was put on by some of the best naturopathic Doctors that are on the front lines of the fight to help people suffering from injuries from the recent depopulation agenda of the globalist sorcerers and their captured medical industry.
These amazing front line Doctors have been exposing the lies of big pharma with their own works and words and are helping turning people back to using the natural God given answers found in nature. They have explored old and new ways to use these nature derived products to detox these poisons and parasites from the body. Knowing that we are being afflicted by a society full of petro chemical poisons and extreme radiation exposure from wireless devices as well poisons in our food, water and air.
These 4 courageous Doctors and their sponsors are part of the leading edge of Gods coming army, exposing the lies while bringing real remedies to light that will help us in our fight against the poisoning of our society. This conference had over 10,000 online attendees, with about 400 of them live and in person in Dallas.
We were able to share the Good Samaritan Oils and the healing message with many wonderful health care professionals and warriors for truth from all walks of life. As an A.G.E.S. conference official sponsor we were able to supply every live attendee with a sample of the Good Samaritan Oils, as well as great specials we had at our booth. We had a record event for ourselves as well, due to the support and product endorsement from the AGES doctors, whom we consider as family. We made many good friends at this event, we are thankful for them all.

Gordon & Roni Pennington with Dr. Judy Mikovits at the 2023 AGES healing Conference
In truth we were blessed to be able to witness this historic event, and to see the new natural products being made available through these professionals. We were able to anoint and heal many, and were very well received by everyone and thankful to receive a full product endorsement from the A.G.E.S. group for our Kure-it Rx and Good Samaritan line of healing and anointing oils, as well as Dr. Judy Mikovits whom we love and are eternally thankful for, as well as Silk from Diamond & Silk, whom was anointed by Roni!
We were also blessed to be able to meet Silk and anoint her as well!
Roni and I were traveling in our Motor Home and dedicated to sharing the Oils, anointing, prayers and deliverance for this 8,000 mile trip!

Stay tuned for the next article when we will reveal some of the wonderful experiences and miracles from on our 2 month journey of healing and deliverance!
#2 Mission of Truth or Consequences..... coming soon.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Gordon & Roni Pennington
We highly recommend if you did not see the AGES healing conference that you watch the recording of this event, as they are teaching life altering information for you and your family.
You can get access to the event recording here: