Study 1: EMF-inflammation improved by Bible Healing Oil.
Posted by Gordon Pennington on
In a groundbreaking new study Dr. Wendi Roscoe, PhD in Human Physiology and nutrition counselor, evaluates the Oil of Elijah Ultimate Strength Healing Oil to see the effects of these Frankincense and Myrrh infused healing oils on the blood function and how Oil of Elijah reacts with the human blood in the unseen realm.

EMF-induced inflammation is common in most households nowadays for many years while growing in intensity and frequency variations like 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G as well as from sources like LED lights, smart meters, Wifi routers, cell phone signals and much more.

(pictured above: sample of severe EMF-Induced inflammation.)
The symptoms of EMF-induced inflammation can show up as headaches, cold and flu or "long covid" symtpoms, migranes, high blood pressure, joint pain, muscle tension and aches, diabetes, confusion and brain fog and more.
In this scientific study over a period of 3 days Dr. Roscoe gives detailed views of "her living blood" before and after 30 minutes of using the Oil of Elijah, using live microscope video capture along with some commentary.
Here are some excerpts from her article:
I tested Oil of Elijah - Ultimate Strength Biblical Healing & Anointing Oil:
“The Oil of Elijah is composed of Sacred Green Hojari Omani Frankincense Resin, Grade A Myrrh Resin and Natural Sandalwood Resin, all combined with premium organic olive oil via our unique incense infusion process.” I chose this oil to test as it is especially beneficial for inflammation.
After working on my computer for 1-3 hours in the morning, I looked at my blood under the microscope and then used the oil on my skin, putting it on my face and neck so that I could breathe the scent as well as absorb the oil into my bloodstream through the skin. After 30 minutes, I looked at my blood again. I did this every morning for 3 days. Each day you can see that I start with variable amounts of inflammation and red blood cell oxidation and this is because it is difficult to have the exact same circumstances every day. After the oil each day my blood was improved.
Here are some screenshots of the before and after from the videos that Wendi has provided us with notations showing the differences before and after.
Day 1 before using the Oil of Elijah:

Notice that the red blood cells are sticking together, this honeycomb pattern occurs frequently after EMF exposure due to changes in the charge of the cell membranes. Our cells function using voltage and we are affected by voltage and many electromagnetic frequencies. You can also see red blood cells that are “bumpy”, this is oxidative damage to the cell membranes.
Day 1 after: 30 min after using the Oil of Elijah:

30 minutes after using the Oil of Elijah there is less honeycomb pattern and less oxidative damage (above).
This is an amazing improvement showing the cellular rejuvenation that the nutrients in the Oil of Elijah are able to share with all cells on a direct basis through the natural function of the human body and blood.
Day 2 before using Oil of Elijah:

In this video clip (above) you can see the honeycomb pattern again, as well as platelet aggregations (micro clots) and eosinophils (immune cells involved in inflammation) are active.
Day 2 after: 30 minutes after using Oil of Elijah:

There is still some honeycomb pattern but it is significantly decreased (above).
Day 3 before using Oil of Elijah:

Day 3 (above) is interesting because it is also when I decided to try using a grounding sheet plugged into the ground of a plug for half the night. With excess dirty electricity, using a grounding sheet in an outlet caused symptoms, hard to describe, feels like being microwaved, if you can picture that kind of feeling. I had to unplug the sheet around 1am and I am going to try something different I will explain in another post. But the morning of day 3 is an example of excessive amounts of EMF exposure. In this video you can see rouleau that is caused by highly altered red blood cell charges.
Day 3 after: 30 minutes after using the Oil of Elijah:

(Above) there is still visible oxidative stress but the rouleau is significantly decreased.
The results are amazing each time, and even in the worst case starting scenario on day #3 the blood function, micro clots and oxidative damage are miraculously improved in just 30 minutes!
Dr. Roscoe's study summary is very telling;
"Using these oils in combination with minimizing exposure to excessive EMF and other toxins and grounding on a regular basis can help to mitigate the inflammatory effects of EMF exposure."
I want to thank Dr. Wendi Roscoe for her time and effort in helping reveal this wonderful news, as well as her dedication to serving and caring for the suffering of human beings.
I think the true revelation of this study done by Dr. Wendi Roscoe is that Kure it Rx healing oils work on many forms of inflammation by helping correct cellular damage and oxidation directly in the bloodstream, including EMF-induced inflammation.
We can expect to hear more from Dr. Wendi about the other Kure it Rx Healing Oils and other new discoveries she will come out with in the near future.
I encourage you to read her short article and see the live videos:
Here is the website of Dr. Wendi Roscoe for anyone needing nutritional consulting or live blood analysis work as well as lots of other free education and nutrition information and videos available for free:
In summary, the Oil of Elijah is a powerful super synergistic anti-inflammatory biblical healing oil packed with powerful anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer organic compounds and inorganic minerals that help enable cellular healing directly in the bloodstream within just minutes in my humble opinion.
Bless you all,
Prof. Gordon Pennington
Note: None of these statements are medical claims and are statements of observation and personal witnesses of natural processes. These statements are not claims of any promised benefit and have not been evaluated by the FDA. These materials are for educational purposes only.
You can also stand on a sheet of aluminum foil or copper sheet and it will drain the electric buildup in the body. Tony Pantelleresco, an herbalist in Canada, has been talking about chemtrails and emfs for years and has some videos on Youtube and also a podcast. Heavy metals must be detoxed from the body with using cilantro, etc.
I wonder if her house isn’t grounded properly.
The Elijah Oil is an amazing anti-inflammatory and pain reliever I have found.
I love the smell of the Face It Oil. My Chihuahua licked my face as soon as I put it on. She likes it too.
I am happy I found Dr. Carrie Madej video on this amazing biblical healing oil.
I’ll be covering her findings on my YouTube Channel
Funny how the grounding sheet didn’t work for her. For us it is opposite. We are in a nightmare situation with emf. Without grounding added to other ways of remediation and supplements it is how we survive.
Our son was housesitting at a place he often stayed overnight. The difference is massive emf invasion via wind turbines, solar farms and new cell towers had moved in. He couldn’t sleep due to feeling electrocuted in the bed. Never had issues prior. Remember he experienced severe issues at our house in the past and this was worse.
After using grounding sheet and mattress cover it took 15 minutes for the electrical build up to leave him, but he was doing much better and didn’t have to leave.
Wonderful to hear this.