A New Years Day Miracle! Is this a sign of blessings for 2025?
Posted by Gordon Pennington on
Our Miracle of New Years Day 2025:
My wife Roni and I received an unexpected and miraculous gift on New Years Day Jan 01, 2025 and I am led to share this with all of you as well so you can share in our Joy!
First let us wish you all a Happy New Year and let you know that you are in our prayers for healing, blessings and restoration for you and your whole families and communities for 2025 and beyond! We also want to thank everyone for the faith, support and sharing of this mission and let you know that we are growing fast and many thousands are being blessed and healed from various painful conditions every day by you and others like you using the Kure it healing oils! We cannot express our gratitude enough and we say thank you from our heart.
We also wanted to let you know that 3 kings day is on Jan 06, 2025 which is coming up in a few days and is the same day as the certification for the 2024 election as well as a lot of other things happening that day as well as the end of the MAHA BOGO sale on our website on Jan 06, 2025, so don't miss out on what may be the last BOGO sale of the year!

The story of the 3 kings / wise men coming bearing precious gifts of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh is one of those unexpected small miracles within the bigger story that prove God has a master plan and that the enemy has no clue how God will bring his prophecies to pass.
These scriptures were also a foundational part of my motivation in creating the Kure-it Bible Healing Oil using these 2 precious resins of frankincense and myrrh as the principle ingredients..
When I was a little child (before cell phones), when I was living in the mountains of Oregon I remember clearly that every Christmas season I would be waiting for my favorite Christmas shows to come through on the TV. We had to use the TV guide in the newspaper to find out when they were playing and I was always waiting for the story of the "Little Drummer Boy" which reveals the story of the 3 kings / wise men. It was truly my favorite story.
Now many years later my love of the story of the 3 kings and their "precious gifts" is playing out in my life in a very different fashion to say the least!
This is an example of how God can use the littlest things in our lives and how the stories of the bible are so important to children and why I appreciate the Holiday season's message of the miracle virgin birth of Jesus Christ into the world and the miracles that followed him.
This New Years Day had many unexpected events happen all over the world, many of them tragic in nature. In the midst of all of the things happening my wife Roni received an extraordinary gift from our Lord on New Years Day.
Here is what happened:
My wife Roni has a Facebook account that she rarely uses and even uninstalls and reinstalls every few weeks just to check on her children and message them.
On new years day this year Roni reinstalled the Facebook app and logged in to send her children and grandchildren some love and pictures, etc.
While she was checking and scrolling through her feed there it was! Just like that the gift from God was sitting on her phone screen.
She was absolutely shocked at what she saw, and immediately knew It was from God as there could be no other explanation. This wasn't an old post that she had stumbled upon, no it was posted on New Years Day and it was a message for her. How did she know so quickly that only God could behind this?
First let me show you what she found:
This is a picture of myself and my wife Roni on the top of the mount of Olives blowing our shofar! First of all neither of took this picture it is obvious as we are in it and there was nobody with us on the trip to Israel who could have taken it and sent it to us or posted it for us to see.
Here is a larger version and an amazing picture of the moment:

The feed it came through was a random channel that she doesn't follow or know (until now). So as any good miracle needs to be shared she brought it to me immediately. I also had the same reaction as her knowing that very few people even knew went to Israel this last spring for 6 weeks and were even on the mount of Olives when Iran sent the first missile barrage and saw it live and in person. That's a story for another day though, first lets solve this mystery.
Where was it from?
We then looked up the channel the picture came through (Israel - The Land of Milk and Honey) and traced it back to the original source it was shared from which was a photographer located in Israel who has some great pictures on his feed and quite a large following as well. This picture was posted along with his New Years message as follows:
Original post New Years Day from Noam Chen - Photographer

Here is what happened on the Mount of Olives:
Roni and I would go every morning to the east side of the 7 Arches Hotel at sunrise and blow our shofars along with prayers and worship, greeting the day and every evening we would do the same. At sunset we went on the west side of the mount of olives overlooking Jerusalem, greeting the night while praying for divine protection for the nation and land of Israel, deliverance and justice for the hostages in Gaza, protection for the IDF soldiers fighting the war, deliverance from the evil of Hamas for the people of Gaza and safety for the people of Jerusalem, Samaria and Lebanon.
As our hotel (the 7 arches hotel) was directly on the mount of olives with the back picnic area of the hotel looking towards the dead sea and Jordan (east) while in the front across the street is a viewing platform overlooking Jerusalem and the temple mount.

The 7 arches hotel in Jerusalem
The back park area was secluded so we had privacy for our morning service while the front was open with tourists and sometimes local Muslims peddling Christian tokens and other items. Note that the Mount of Olives is in the Palestinian authority controlled area as is the 7 arches hotel we were in. There were very few tourists in Israel due to the ongoing war and conflict in the region but we were treated well by all and we anointed and prayed over many people Muslim, Christian as well as some non believers. We know by the picture that this was the east side and sunset over Jerusalem viewed from the platform we used daily.
Still we didn't know the day it was taken yet:
I looked back in my phone for pictures for that time frame and came up with the exact day it happened based on 2 pictures that we took at the last minute due to fading light and as I was inspired to capture the moment. It was Sunday March 31st 2024. I am usually enjoying things with my eyes too much to take photos and Roni as well so we don't have a lot of pictures from our journey although the ones we do have help us remember the other times as well.
Prof. Gordon Pennington blowing the shofar on the Mount of Olives on Sunday March 31 2024 at sunset.
Roni Pennington blowing a shofar on the Mount of Olives on Sunday March 31 2024 at sunset.
As I recognized these 2 pictures I remembered that on this particular day someone had asked us to pose for a photo after we had finished blowing our shofars, and since this had happened a few times before with other tourists and visitors, this one person stood out to me out because he had a professional style camera and I supposed he worked for a magazine or was documenting his travels possibly or looking to sell us the picture possibly. I didn't ask, although I do remember saying to Roni: "I am pretty sure we see one of these photos someday, Lord willing."
Here is the account info for Photographer Noam Chen:

Noam Chen Photographer Facebook page
Seeing this amazing picture come through this way reinforced the words from God that he sees us when nobody else does and that all secret things that are done, whether for good or for evil will be revealed in God's perfect timing. This really is a true miracle to us as we all wish to be supported and appreciated for the labor we do for the kingdom and there is no better support than knowing God Almighty in heaven sees our every step, knows the most secret plans and desires of our heart and directs the footsteps of men according to his will. It inspires me to strive even harder to continue in this mission and be led by his spirit and his WORD.
I also believe this portends very well in 2025 for those who do good in these last days sharing the truth of the Gospel of Peace having mercy and compassion for others well being during hard times that are coming on the world.
This is our mission, a mission of peace and healing also showing the gospel message of Jesus Christs covenant of peace in living colors as a lifestyle of compassion and truth.
I put my trust in the Lord from whom my help comes!
We pray that the Lord has a miracle for you just waiting to be revealed in his perfect time for each and every one of his beloved and faithful saints.
Have a fruitful 2025!
Love in Christ,
Gordon & Roni Pennington

Gordon & Roni on the Mount of Olives March 15 2024
Hi Gordon,
Any chance you are related to Penny Pennington who heads Edward Jones Investments? I recently retired from Jones and just thought I’d ask. Also, just took advantage of MAHA, thank you for making the oils and being a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Your NM Sister,
Linda Schalk
Wow ! This is an amazing story which I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank You for sharing 💗. A Miracle indeed! I am so very grateful that we crossed paths & that You & Roni are in my Life. Thanks for all You do 😇🙏
As Kathryn Kuhlman says..” I believe in miracles, because I believe in God”
Oftentimes, I get so many emails I do not even open the emails I am subscribed too. I still have a large bottle of the healing oil, so there wasn’t any reason to open it. For some reason, though, the title of the email caught my attention. I know YaHuWah is still performing miracles. There is no doubt in my mind that that photo was ultimately from Him at the perfect time. Thank you for sharing it with us. I am so encouraged and blessed too. Our Father is amazing, and this reminds me that, even though the world is in chaos, he is, after all, in control of everything. Thank you for your obedience and willingness to serve Him. To Him, The Almighty, be the honor, the praise and the glory. Halleluiah!
I might be the first female in 2,000 years to sound the shofar on the high holidays in a congregation!
And it was a big Yemenite shofar like yours. I did it for about 13 years in the Reconstructionist Shul in San Simon, Jerusalem for about 800 worshipers. (I am a retired Israeli Tour Guide, now 91.)